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2023-12-06 04:51:49

改善动物福利是向可持续、环保的食品体系转型的重要组成部分。本期中德农业中心TALKS 网络研讨会将深入探讨中国和德国当前有关农场动物福利的辩论、法规和实践。本次研讨会将于2023年12月7日9:30 - 11:00 举行,并邀请了来自公共部门、行业和协会组织的专家,将讨论生产力、动物健康、食品安全和道德考量等方面如何影响两国动物福利。与会者可了解中德两国在动物福利方面的不同做法,探索相互学习的领域和合作机会。

Improved animal welfare is an important part of the transformation towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly food system. This DCZ TALKS webinar will provide insights into the current debates, regulations, and practices concerning the welfare of farm animals in Germany and China. Hailing from the public sector, industry, and civil society, our expert speakers will discuss how aspects such productivity, animal health, food safety, and ethical considerations have been informing debates on animal welfare in both countries. Participants will learn about the diverse approaches to animal welfare that exist in Germany and China, exploring areas of mutual learning and opportunities for collaboration.

中德畜牧业可持续发展合作项目专家Henrik Delfs先生将作为受邀嘉宾分享有关中德两国动物福利实例。

Mr. Henrik Delfs, expert of the Sino-German Husbandry Cooperation Project, will be the invited guest to share examples of animal welfare in China and Germany.


Please use the QR code below to register for the webinar.